Tuesday, July 10, 2012

An Interesting Conversation

It was a pretty nice day at work and I secured a comfortable seat for myself in the train. Two girls sat in the seats next to mine. Throughout the journey, they had been talking unabatedly about cars. I assumed that they were pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering, of course, from the topics they were discussing about. Now, the rides to work are pretty boring, and, to some extent, annoying, considering the long hours I have to travel in train. So, you cannot blame me to eavesdropping to their conversation. To come to think of it, I was not eavesdropping. They were too loud, almost as if they wanted everyone to listen to them!
So, they spoke of ignition systems, gears, and other non-understandable stuff. (Yea, I am not a fan of engines and machine parts.) After about an hour of learning from them, it was time for me to get off the train. But they did not disappoint me. They did make sure that I remember them even after I reached home, which is why, I write this, you see. 
Just as I was about to get down, one of them said,
“I love Audi! I prefer Audi to BMW.”
Now, we were in India. I have only seen a BMW or an Audi speeding past in the highways, not even gone anyway near them. I was aroused with interest and curiosity. I was sure that the girl has travelled by both the cars she mentioned. I wanted to know what made Audi better. After all, I was planning on buying one, no matter after how many ever years. I would surely make the money some day.
The girl’s companion seemed to echo my thoughts, or so I thought.
She asked,
“Why so?”
Now, I knew I needed to listen. I, too, wanted to know.
The girl replied,
“I like the symbol of Audi better. The one with the five rings!”